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When It Rains, It Pours

Going into 2023 with positivity and optimism helped only a little of what was to come. It has been eventful, some big some small. Curated below are by topics.


Burned my camera sensor but manage to DIY fix it, whew.

DIY replaced my samsung note 9 microphone. whew.

DIY migrated to a cheaper server, whew.


All the video editing practice I had for Hailey’s World paid off when I had to recreate my business’ presentation. 20 years ago this presentation was in powerpoint. And a video was created out of the powerpoint file. Man, not so good old days hahaha.

Turning 42

Grateful to God for everything. Can’t imagine I’m where I am now 10 years ago. Dunno how people can see or plan 5 years even in advance. But the Lord knows all things and I trust in Him completely. So what’s up 2024?